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IRIS AI for Procurement & Compliance

Picture of Luna

Often times, B2B companies have to complete lengthy security questionnaires and other pieces of documentation for each sales cycle. Typically, this process involves searching within previously submitted documentation to find similar keywords, then writing new responses to the questionnaire at hand. This is a process that creates almost no new IP and uses 5-15 hours of executive time, for each deal cycle.

With IRIS, companies can leverage a defined source of truth of official documentation, by uploading documents such as:

  • SOC2 report
  • GDPR statement
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms and Conditions
  • End User License Agreement
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Disaster Recovery Plan
  • FERPA Statement
  • HIPAA Statement

Once uploaded, IRIS will automatically turn each document into many small pieces of information in your Knowledge Map. Next, users can ask questions, compose content, and respond to new questionnaires with ease.

Learn more about how you can get started with IRIS by reaching out to our team here.


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