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Boosting Workplace Morale: How IRIS AI Transforms Efficiency Into Employee Happiness

Written by Abigail Moyal | Dec 9, 2023 9:28:38 PM


In-house private AI is a game-changer for employee efficiency and satisfaction. According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, AI assistance can lead to a remarkable 66% increase in employee productivity, empowering individuals to complete more tasks within a given timeframe. Moreover, research from SnapLogic highlights that 81% of employees believe AI enhances their job performance, with two-thirds eagerly seeking more AI tools to improve productivity and decision-making.

IRIS AI is a private in-house AI solution that significantly enhances efficient responses to security questionnaires and other documentation tasks. By automating these time-consuming processes, IRIS AI can boost productivity and, as a result, increase job satisfaction. Employees can now focus on engaging and strategic work, leaving mundane tasks to IRIS AI. By embracing IRIS AI, companies can look forward to a more efficient and motivated workforce, ready to tackle the challenges of the modern business environment.



Kenyon, T. (2021, July 21). 81% of employees believe AI improves their job performance. AI Magazine. https://aimagazine.com/ai-strategy/81-employees-believe-ai-improves-their-job-performance 

Nielsen, J. (2023, July 16). Ai improves employee productivity by 66%. Nielsen Norman Group. https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ai-tools-productivity-gains/#:~:text=Users%20were%20much%20more%20efficient,Here%20are%20the%20results 

Wright, D. (2023, October 5). Servicenow Brandvoice: Ai and the secret to employee happiness. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/servicenow/2022/04/01/ai-and-the-secret-to-employee-happiness/?sh=3ba76d545a30