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Designed By the People at Your Company

IRIS is built to adapt to the way your team operates.

What Are You Waiting For?

IRIS is purpose-built to be enjoyable to use, and secure enough to be trusted with your private information.

IRIS becomes more useful (and unique to you) the more you use it— meaning it is designed to be a walled ecosystem for your company. Each customer has a unique instance of the platform, ensuring their data, conversations, and improvements are for them.

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About Headshot Example _073305c4-cd81-461b-afce-72dcbfb9f4c6

Manage Your Source of Truth.

Upload the content that defines your company, and it will automatically be chunked and parsed into your Knowledge Map. 

Start Uploading

Ask Questions, Get Answers. 

Get instant answers about anything in your Knowledge Map, like sales questions from prospects, or employee questions about internal policies and procedures.

Get to Know Us

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About Headshot Example _cce9309d-1459-456b-8ffd-cc6832625418

Lean On The Experts

You don’t have to do it alone. Our team of experts is waiting to help you.

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