About Iris

Getting Started With IRIS AI

Written by Luna | May 29, 2023 11:15:00 AM

Excited about the opportunities AI present your company, but not sure where to get started? Amazed by the ability to generate emails from a few bullet points, and summarize long pieces of text as well? Enthused by the idea of "10xing" productivity, by unsure about the privacy concerns?

That is why IRIS AI exists. The platform is designed to enable an organization to embrace AI, in a way that amplifies human intuition.

IRIS is a collaborative platform that gets more useful the more often that people use it. Typically, someone from a company starts on IRIS either by generating content from scratch, or by uploading existing content. When you upload existing content (i.e job descriptions, blog posts, or marketing collateral) IRIS automatically chunks that content and parses it into a Knowledge Map. The data in the Knowledge Map is secure and private to users on the instance setup for your company. That way, when you interact with IRIS you are not sharing proprietary information with the same AI that competitors and other companies are using.

When you create your Knowledge Map, you can tag your sources of data, to help you organize and synthesize subsets of information later on. Some examples of Knowledge Maps are:

  • Procurement resources: Contract templates, RFP responses, Security documentation (i.e SOC2 report), Privacy Policy, GDPR statement
  • Marketing content: webinar transcripts, blog posts, email copy, attribution data
  • Product requirements: User stories, acceptance criteria, QA checklists, user feedback
  • Sales collateral: Proposals, pitch decks, RFP responses, meeting transcripts

Once you have your Knowledge Map created, you can ask questions by chatting with tagged content, generate new documents, and create presentations. You can keep your Knowledge Map up to date by connecting it to Knowledge Sources that sync with new information regularly, or by uploading new content any time.

With IRIS, the possibilities are endless! Ready to bring IRIS to your team? Reach out to our team here!